Nursing Opportunities

Matt, here again, AKA professional blogger. I feel I have my nursing spark back!! I am going to put it down to all of the Nursing events I have been to of late and I feel energised and motivated to push on with my career, and quite possibly taking a different direction. It all started when I took Flo on a trip to London for an overnight stay this week, it doesn’t take much to persuade my wife to have a little break away, with the promise of some sightseeing (London Eye, Tower Bridge and of course Selfridges) The main reason for our (my) trip; was so I could attend the RCN Foundation Care Home Summit . The full-day event was at the Royal College of Nursing in Marylebone, the programme consisted of some incredible speakers who gave a real insight into the issues surrounding the sector including the high rates of nursing vacancies and turnover. It was also aimed at supporting and strengthening nursing, and improving patient care. One thing that really struck a chord wi...