When sepsis strikes!

It’s been a while since I felt this way, but I feel like a proper nurse this week! I’ve been back on the wards now for a couple of weeks with no distractions (apart from Matt, my mother and the never-ending saga that is Brexit), and it’s been really good to reconnect with my ladies on Eden Bay. We’ve had some right characters of late, which is fab because it helps me to get to know each person as an individual. I’m determined not to start talking about patients in terms of bed numbers or conditions – I learnt my lesson with that one last year! I know we’re not supposed to have favourites but Gloria and Claire are contenders for this title at the moment. They have such stories to tell about their lives, despite being poorly, that they keep the rest of the bay thoroughly entertained. Gloria was an army wife who travelled the world with her husband for a million years. She tells the most hilarious stories about what they used to get up to, including tales about how he used to go ...