The green eyed monster

The investigation into ‘CadburyGate’ is now complete. I have to say, I have never experienced anything so surreal in my entire life – in fact, I’m starting to think that I’ve been living in the twilight zone for the last fortnight and those little green men are going to whisk me off into the ether to care for sick aliens…more like little green-eyed monsters wearing a nurses uniform are going to find other ways of sticking the knife in. You may remember a gorgeous patient that we had on the ward called Helen. All she wanted before she died was to experience one last Christmas. So, with a lot of help from various people around the hospital and her daughter, we brought Christmas forward for her. Not a day too soon either, because later that night she died. Anyway, Helen’s daughter was so touched by what we had arranged for her Mum, that she’d gifted the ward with a huge (and I mean huge) chocolate hamper and a thank you card that mentioned me by name. The next thing I kno...