I won't lie - this is tough!

I thought that when I took this job on a busy hospital ward I would turn into Miss Efficiency – someone who would go about her duties in an effective and productive manner, someone who gives the impression of being in total control. Haha!! How wrong was I? I’ve clearly been watching too many episodes of Casualty if I thought that I wasn’t going to be affected by the people I am caring for –I know in my heart that that’s what makes me a good nurse but I’m not sure that all of my new colleagues ‘get me’ yet or whether they will try to change that? It all started at the beginning of the week when a new patient was admitted. He reminded me of my late Grandad, only he looked frightened and confused. His slippers looked as though they’d seen better days and he had food debris in his not-so-designer stubble. We’re quite used to patients looking not quite their best when they come to us, but what struck me about this man was the raw fear in his eyes. He wouldn’t le...