Florence is Famous!

I’ve had a right old week of it – in a good way of course! I actually started the week trying to be sensible. It’s a bit weird really, I usually do things based on gut instinct but I thought I’d try to be a bit grown up and keep all my options open. I’ve been seriously considering the future of my nursing career (like a grown-up) and had already arranged a lengthy call with Recruitment Panda who, to be honest, have been my rock while I’ve been going through my mid- career crisis. Trying to be sensible and not wanting to have all my eggs in one basket, I also arranged another call with a different recruitment agency that we met at the job fair as well, mainly to convince my mother that the blisters on her feet weren’t for nothing! I won’t lie. The call with the other agency was a bit scary. The woman with the deep raspy voice fired questions at me so quickly that I almost expected a buzzer to go off and for her to announce how many questions I’d got ri...