Fepic Students!

This week I feel fepic (that’s effing epic for those of you who don’t know). I don’t know if any of you reader’s have missed me, but I’ve been so busy with the new challenging placements, I have been neglecting you. So last week I thought it must be about time Charisma at the nursing agency gave me a break. As luck would have it she was able to book me in for a couple of lovely days at Sunshine Retirement Village, my old stomping ground. It was lovely to see the girls again and some of the residents even said that they had missed me! When I got there, I was called in to see the Manager. I was a bit nervous, I’d only just got through the door so I couldn’t have done anything wrong – yet. It turned out that she’d been working with the local uni and had agreed to take some ‘specially selected’ student nurses on placement and that a new one was due to start later that morning. She went on to tell me that the last one hadn’t worked out a...