Botox and Bollocks - Growing Pains

I’m a bit cheesed off with nursing at the moment. My last few agency shifts have left me feeling deflated, like I was just going through the motions and ticking all the boxes on the endless paperwork, just waiting for my shift to end. Nothing is challenging me anymore. I feel stuck. I met up with some of my mates from nurse training this week in our usual haunt and, as always, we got onto the subject of work. We always do this and it gets to be a bit of a ‘who’s got the biggest balls’ competition - honestly, if I said I had a pet elephant, one of them would say they had a box to put it in. So, I turned up dressed to kill in my usual sloppy jumper and even sloppier jeans. I’ve been toying with the idea of buying a pair of those skinny jeans but can’t quite get my head round skinny anything in a size 16, and anyway, I don’t want to look like the pet elephant if you get my drift. I digress. They were all there waiting for me and drinking cocktails that resembled th...