Drugs are bad kids!

More pills than a drug dealer! That’s how today felt. It’s been a really tough one; possibly the toughest one in my short career so far and definitely one I will be recording for my revalidation. I won’t tell you the effect that it’s had on my bowels but let’s just say I won’t be needing my prunes in the morning. So what would make me feel like this? Did a resident die? Thankfully not. Did I accidentally harm a resident in my care? Thankfully not – I don’t think I could forgive myself. No…I made a medication error. I was back at Sunshine after a 10 day enforced break. Charisma told me that the Manager had barred me from the premises after I had ‘shown her up’ with my recent CQC/QVC bonding session. She told me not to worry, “she would soon want me back. Unless hell had frozen over and they were fully staffed, they’ll be understaffed again before long and can’t do without agency staff forever”, apparently. So there I was knocking on the door this morning...