Chinese Whispers - Communication is everything
Charisma from the agency rang me at the last minute yesterday and instead of my usual rota asked me to do a shift at a different nursing home. When I say ‘asked’ it was kind of in the same way an armed robber would ask for the contents of the bank safe; but other than that I really feel that me and Charisma are starting to bond through these friendly phone calls. I won’t lie, I was a bit nervous about going somewhere else after being at Sunshine Nursing Home for so many weeks. I was just starting to get used to who and where everything was there; and I think they are getting used to me a little too. After the episode with Mrs G and the bath I feel like the carers are starting to see me as one of them, they even allocate me a break now! I think the incident with Mr F and his recycled maltesers also gave me more credibility in the eyes of the carers, but that’s a story for another day, preferably not until long after I’ve got back on the horse and been able to pop a few ch...